A 7 week group program to master the energetics of feminine magnetism, to unleash your creative expression and to unapologetically cultivate + capture your own goddess essence in photos


(Ok, you might be asking yourself, WTF does that actually mean? IN SIMPLE TERMS: You’re gonna learn how to take hot as fuck photos of yourself, I’m teaching you all the secrets the IG babes use with the added bonus of you ACTUALLY feeling yourself. It’s like a feminine energy confidence course combined with a photography/self-portrait course. Yes, it’s amazing and so much fun!! You’re welcome!!!)

Magnetic Muse is your pathway to becoming the artist, the muse, the masterpiece of your life so you can feel more confident being seen and develop the skills to create energetically aligned photos & videos for your Instagram (or private collection!)

Whether or not you use the photos publicly, simply being on this journey will transform you from the inside out and outside in.

You will increase your confidence, increase your magnetism and become more comfortable revealing your feminine in all aspects of your life.

These are the keys that have brought my clients and I from scared to be seen to fully expressed IG muses/embodied feminine leaders.

And I’m so excited that you’re here, drawn to this journey of feminine reclamation and liberation.


& it’s my honour to guide you.


Sabrina Gravity Rose



You look in the mirror and are deeply in love with, inspired by and proud of the woman before you, in love with ALL of you and not only the parts the patriarchy told you were loveable.

You’re ready to be photographed or jump on an IG live at any time because of the intimate and devotional relationship you have to yourself, to your body, to your feminine.

You’re no longer comparing yourself to the women on IG who are sharing their mission or their dance reels… you have your own style of showing up that feels super fun and true to you.

You’re done chasing perfect, you let go of your fear of judgment and you don’t give a fuck what people think about how you choose to express yourself. You trust that what comes through you is good enough, flaws and all.

You no longer fear judgment or feel shame expressing your feminine, you are embodied in your sensuality and use your sacred sexual energy to create and share from your heart, magnetizing deeper connections, love, clients, money, opportunities, everything and anything you want with ease and trust!

This is the reality you’ll be anchoring in during the potent 7 week magnetic muse portal.

Are you ready to rise & shine fucking bright?

Our art should not be judged on popularity, but on its power to transform us
— Meggan Watterson

What if photoshoots could be a self-love ritual? What if you could see them as portals of transformation into the next level version of you?

The you that feels confident, embodied, free to express herself and who allows her sensuality, wisdom and beauty to be seen and felt.

The you that knows that her authentic expression is not only the key to her aliveness, success and magnetism but the medicine her people and this planet need right now.

This is what I discovered during my 10+ years in fashion, owning my own lingerie business and coaching women on feminine embodiment and digital entrepreneurship…

Letting others see you starts with you seeing yourself. And when you see and love yourself?

You are a magnet for ALL your desires.




This is the self-timer photoshoot that inspired this course…

I was in deep PMS/inner fall, in self-criticism and judgment, in fear of not knowing where I would live next in Costa Rica. This early morning sensual photo session brought me back to life, it reminded me of who I was and what I was here to do. An iPhone, a playlist and my signature ritual. For the full personal story click here.


MAGNETIC MUSE is for you if:

  • You’re an entrepreneur, coach, healer, artist, feminine being with a soul mission who wants to show up online as ALL of you, who desires to reveal more of your feminine and become magnetic to aligned community, divine partners and dream clients.

  • You’re ready to break through blocks around being seen, the feminine way. Gentle, encouraging, with my signature Aries fire that will inspire you to take action while always taking care of your nervous system. Nervous system regulation is a priority in my world as I come from a background of anxiety and know what it’s like to be in perma fight or flight.

  • You’re excited to be surrounded, supported and inspired by a like-hearted community of women and experience what it’s like to be seen and witnessed by soul sisters. This is such a key piece in healing wounds around being seen and gaining the confidence to go out there and shine… it’s so much easier knowing we’re all in it together and we got your back.

Creativity is a spiritual practice. It is how the universe expresses itself through us
— The Artist's Way


WEEK 01: DESIRE & VISION HOLDING (feeling your feels)

The energetics of desire ie meeting your muse, exploring your feminine essence, giving yourself permission to WANT and breaking free of good girl conditioning. Learn to hold the vision and allow your desires to be your North Star and your emotions to be your superpowers.

WEEK 2: REPROGRAMMING BELIEFS (thought experiments) 

Inner child healing and subconscious reprogramming so you can heal timelines and any residual shame holding you back from unleashing your expression and trusting the safety of the sensual. Self-love rituals and repatterning made fun!

WEEK 3: WILD FEMININE EMBODIMENT (turn the dark into art)

Body comes first. Learn techniques of sensual alchemy to meet your darkness and fears of judgment and transform them into powerful expression through movement. Harness your sexual energy and cultivate pleasure and play to build your confidence and activate your magnetism.

WEEK 4: DIVINE FEMININE CYCLES (harnessing the power of each phase)

Bust through perfectionism and learn to flow with your cyclical nature to harness the creative power of each phase. Explore and embody each archetype so you can feel safe to express in your wholeness and be seen for all that you are. You’ll also select which of the 4 divine feminine archetypes you’ll explore in your shoot.

WEEK 5: BECOME THE ARTIST (calling on your masculine)

Planning and mapping out your shoot, techniques, lighting, poses, outfits, apps, playlists, rituals…. THE GOODS I’ve gathered from my 10+ years as a fashion buyer, lingerie curator, stylist, creative director and IG creatrix. You’ll have all the tools to feel empowered to take stunning photos you’ll love.

WEEK 6: INTEGRATION WEEK (reflect and birth)

Because the feminine likes to rest and receive. You’ll have the week to play and take your photos with access to me via the FB group or Telegram for feedback and support.
(And a bonus class on post-editing apps and tips!)


The final project and celebration, you will have the opportunity to share your creations/photos with the group and be witnessed in your feminine in a safe space. You are not obliged to share HOWEVER allowing yourself to be seen is the whole point and where better to practice than in an intimate group of soul sisters on the journey with you!


In only 7 weeks, you’ll learn:

-> to trust your desires and your body to guide you every step of your heroine’s journey

-> to reprogram limiting beliefs and break patterns of internalized patriarchy holding you back from your full embodied feminine expression

 -> to recalibrate your nervous system through practices of self-seduction to become open to receiving more pleasure, increasing your confidence and radiance and opening you up to being penetrated by more masculine energy (this often happens in the form of men/mates and money, as you relax into your feminine you magnetize the masculine)

-> to flow with your body’s natural cycles and be empowered by each phase of your menstrual cycle - not limited by it

-> embodiment tools and practices to build trust in your body and connection to your heart so you can express your emotions and wield them with confidence

->  to transmute your sacred rage and darkness so you can create art from a place of embodied wisdom and wholeness

-> all the tips and tricks I’ve accumulated from my lingerie and fashion days so you can create beautiful empowering photos of yourself

-> how to return home to your sacred sexual energy and harness it to magnetize more magic in your life

This… and so much more.


The feminine energy codes in MAGNETIC MUSE are what have taken my 1:1 clients from hiding in the shadows playing small and afraid of judgment to bold AF expression:

Camille released perfectionism, fear of judgment and resistance around video to now share about her purpose and products from a potent heart-centered place,

Melissa learnt to fully trust herself and her body, anchoring her in her feminine power and sharing her sensuality unapologetically online,

Thalia found confidence in sharing her truth, owning her unique magic and transforming shame around her sexual history into her superpower

When you are so deeply connected to your pleasure and purpose, when you feel seen and supported on your journey… the confusion and doubt disappears making room for the you that was always meant to be seen, the you that was always meant to lead by simply being her.

Client Love

"I wanna celebrate my feed! It looks really elegant and sensual and sacred and it feels like MEEEEE, it feels like I’m finally fully coming online as all of me, with my edge, with my message, with my divinity, and it feels good, and my aesthetic looks good, and it sounds good, and I’m getting online almost daily just to share a message! I let go, the transmissions are coming through and I’m practicing showing up more and I just want to celebrate myself, and say THANK YOU, because our time together has really helped me to step more fully in my most authentic social media version of myself, and I feel like this is rippling out into my life as well, to just claim my voice, and my message more boldly than ever before"


Welcome home,


Journey through layers of your feminine with me…

Become the artist and the muse.

The giver and the receiver.

The sun and the moon.

Through the union of your sacred masculine and feminine birth a masterpiece and a new you.

Each week, we deep dive into a topic, with a blend of theory and embodied practice so you can fully integrate the shifts and experience long lasting transformation.

The final session you will have the opportunity to share your masterpiece with the group and be witnessed in your feminine radiance within a safe & supportive sisterhood.


I grew my IG organically not through ads but by showing up fully and sharing my truth unapologetically.

In 2014, I built a successful online lingerie store and empowerment platform called Alice Kass and now guide mission-driven entrepreneurs to shift from hiding in the shadows to stepping into their soft sensual power as the embodied feminine leaders of their brand. 

And I know what a crippling fear of being seen feels like.

I used to be terrified of showing up on Instagram. I suffered from social anxiety my whole life and just wanted to hide behind my screen.

Within the first few years of operation, my business had gained some traction but without that missing link (me!) I had reached a plateau. And once I started merging both the masculine and feminine concepts and practices I’ll be sharing in Magnetic Muse, my confidence, engagement and sales catapulted. Women were reaching out to me daily thanking me for the positive impact I was having on their beliefs about who they could be in this world and how they could show up in business and online.

People want to see who is behind the brand, they want to hear your story and the mission straight from you, they want to feel you.

Let them.


I’m here for you and am SO excited to witness your magic!

It doesn’t have to be hard and you don’t have to keep wondering how to finally let yourself be seen in your feminine radiance!

Let’s do this thing!!

xo Sabrina