Embodied Branding Coach
Divine Feminine Creatrix
Pole Dancing Poetess

My name is Sabrina (AKA Gravity Rose) and my mission is to help women like you fully embody your power by releasing any residual patriarchal shame around the feminine and BEING SEEN.

I help you unapologetically shine and express, transmute your darkness into gold and claim your role as a heart-centered leader of the new earth via your soul mission, your feminine embodiment and your online brand.

Nothing lights me up more than witnessing a woman in her authentic expression, turned on by her soul’s purpose and sensual nature.

& I'm here to lead a revolution of empowered, embodied women here to shake things up and live as sacred art.

To help women stop apologizing for desiring to be seen and for doing business their own way.

To empower you to create a brand in the image of your highest, truest self, the you you KNOW yourself to be deep down inside, the YOU you want the world to see but aren’t sure how to bring out.

I specialize in supporting you:

  • unlock your brand message by fully owning your heroine's journey (reclaiming your dark past as the elixir of expansion it is)

  • unleash your feminine expression & sensual power (because THIS is your magnetism and how you attract all that you desire)

  • upgrade your identity & IG brand in the image of your highest self (you are the Creatress & Muse and you get to look, feel and move as your inner goddess)

-> so that you can activate your inner fire and embody your feminine essence to lead with confidence, integrity, pleasure and do the sacred work you came to this planet for -without overriding your body OR values.

You get to live WILD, FREE and EXPRESSED and it’s my honour to guide you and walk alongside you.


How We Can Work Together


More On My Journey…

I wasn’t always a pole-dancing fully expressed wild woman entrepreneur…

Ever since I was a child, I struggled with social anxiety and depression which as a teen and young adult I covered up with alcohol and a cold hard facade. I rejected the feminine wholeheartedly, internalizing society’s message that feelings, intuition, softness, sexuality and flow were signs of weakness.

I did my best to mask my true nature and used alcohol `to hide my depth and help me play the part of extrovert.

Yet, my soul ached for so much more. 

I finally said goodbye to alcohol and dove deep into the spiritual: feminine embodiment, shadow work and inner child healing

As a result, I started my entrepreneurial journey with Alice Kass, a lingerie platform launched in 2014 with a mission to inspire self-love, promote female empowerment and celebrate sensual self-expression. (And put my business and fashion degrees to good use!)

I grew my social media account to 25k followers without ads or complicated funnels.

And I found true pleasure in my divinity as I connected deeply to my feminine energy.

As a sensitive, introverted woman who has overcome obstacles like social anxiety, alcohol dependence, and an addiction to toxic productivity and perfectionism, I truly know how to alchemize darkness into potent learning experiences, and see that as one of my biggest gifts to my beautiful communities and clients. 

My belief, stemming from my own experience, is that all beings deserve to connect to the divinity within and feel empowered by their feminine energy, not limited by it. 

And, my sensual empowerment and embodied branding business is a natural reflection of my lifetime of transformational work. 

I am standing here now, open-hearted and in my feminine power, to support you in embodying your gifts and bringing to life your brand vision in alignment with your soul mission. I look forward to helping you rise, soul sis.

Stay wild,


Sabrina Gravity Rose

Reach me at sabrina@gravity-rose.com


Pic by Aurielle



Over the last 10+ years I’ve studied under numerous mentors, taken multiple trainings and learnt viscerally from leaning into my edges (ie going to Burning Man alone or reading sensual poetry at the Envision Festival open mic!!). I have run my own online businesses Alice Kass lingerie, Oracle Sisterhood and my current IG coaching platform Gravity Rose.

As a 1/3 sacral generator in human design, I value FUCK YES energy, DEEP research and integration, as well as personal experimentation.

My methodology is anchored in both the feminine (the intuitive and experiential) AND the masculine (the logical and pragmatic).

I offer guidance based on my own successful implementation of all that I’ve studied and intuited -I don’t teach anything I haven’t fully embodied or that has not had powerful results with my clients.

My approach to business and branding is unique, influenced by masters I’ve studied with, a deep focus on the sacred feminine and tantric philosophy and the honouring of all my client’s individual journeys, natural gifts and claimed desires.

My past lives ie ‘real world’ biz experience:

Bachelor’s degree in Business Admin at JMSB,  Concordia, Canada
Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Marketing at ESMM, UQAM, Canada
Mod’Spé Paris
Blogger & Writer (Vote For Party, WRG)
Luxury Fashion Buyer, SSENSE (2010-2013)
Entrepreneur, Alice Kass online lingerie boutique (2014-2020)
Podcast host, Bed Talks (2019-2020)

Some of my most impactful mentorships and trainings include:

Woman Rewilding Cyclical Wisdom 100 hour YTT w/Bex Tyrer at the Yoga Barn Bali
Authentic Relating Training Level 1 + 2 with Ryel Kestano at Awake Costa Rica
Tantric Temple Priestess Training with Amyann Art + Tamina Paris in Toronto
Human Design and Copywriting Training with Phoebe Kuhn
High Performance Leadership Coaching with Juliet Lippman
Feminine Embodiment with Molly Moonrise
Feminine Biz with Ashae Sundara
Feminine Embodiment + Breathwork with Alexandra Roxo
Inner Child Healing with Christine Hassler
Manifestation & Shadow Work with Lacy Phillips
Feminine Empowerment & Astrology with Natalia Benson
Spiritual Business Training + Taoism with Vanessa Ferraro
Business Astrology with Angel Quintana

And many more…

For testimonials, please take a look at my Embodied Branding page here