Sacred woman, YOU’RE HERE to remember your WHOLENESS & HOLY-NESS

You’re a deep, successful, multidimensional woman who desires to make art with her life. 

You’ve already ticked many of the boxes —whether career, travel, relationships or personal growth— and you live for the kind of aliveness that can’t be achieved by crossing things off a list.

You crave to feel the spark, to look in the mirror in awe of the woman before you,
walking into every room with a quiet self-assured confidence that turns heads, speaking your raw truth, setting boundaries, upholding your standards and receiving support and compliments like a queen.

Your jewelry and style telling the story of who you’re becoming and what you’re here to create whether it’s a painting, a poem, a baby or expansion in your business and career.

You’re ready to feel confident enough to claim exactly what you desire in the bedroom, you want to let him see you in your wild abandon, surrendered to his touch in full trust and ecstasy, knowing that you’re seen, loved and respected.

You have this deep yearning in your womb to express yourself, to be the fullness of you.

You know there’s MORE just aching to be revealed, in how you sway your hips to the music, in how you show up as all of you on your page, in your every day rituals and routines and creations in the world.

Ultimately, you know you’re here to experience the pleasure of liberated expression; to be your most magnetic self in your life, brand, body & relationships…

You’re visualizing, journaling & meditating, going to the gym and maybe even taking dance classes here and there. You know your feminine holds the keys you’ve been longing for. You’re making efforts to wear dresses or get your nails done and yet you know it’s deeper than that.

You feel blocked in how to truly lean back and let this version of you out.

Maybe you’re telling yourself that you have to have the perfect body or …

You’re wondering if it’s even possible to feel alive, radiant and magnetic while balancing work/motherhood/family…

But you’re no longer willing to wait for everything to align perfectly before choosing to express and BE her, to feel good in your body and be seen for who you truly are…

You’re definitely done feeling shy walking into a room or unveiling in the bedroom and having it feel like a performance…

So rather than admiring other women for the way they move, express and receive

…You’re ready to LUXURIATE IN YOUR FEMININE alongside her.

What if I told you…

That rather than waiting until you're “perfect” or confident enough…

or relentlessly pushing through, trying so hard to be the woman you desire with workouts and diets and punishing yourself when you don’t quite fit the mold…

You trusted your body & let her lead you there?

You swapped out the pushing, forcing, protecting… and instead opened, softened, listened & created?


If you're ready to...


If you're ready to... 〰️

  • Drop the protective walls keeping you shy or in performance & find safety in the body so your feminine can express, dress, create & pleasure exactly how she desires to.

  • Embody the parts you’ve shamed & don’t think are good enough, own the fullness of who you are and access a deep power, confidence & sexuality that lives inside of you.

  • Rather than labelling your emotions as volatile, you courageously express yourself and become supported and understood in the way you crave. 

  • Release the pressures & expectations and instead, intentionally & authentically express in a way that genuinely captures who you are and opens your pathway to being a match to sisterhood, men & dream clients

You’re ready to DROP THE WALLS AROUND YOUR HEART…to EMBODY YOUR HOLINESS & show up as the WHOLE, liberated Woman you know you are.

Dropping from the head into the aliveness of the body… meeting your shadows… transforming your shame and resistance into the masterpiece you already are.

You become the one who births new worlds, identities, movements, art and love…

Embracing your sensual, soft side, seeing everything you are as GIFT… channeling the true source of your magnetism.

You’re finally clear on how to relax into your body and your feminine, to receive and create from a state of inspiration rather than force.


Yes, it can happen that fast when you drop into the body and let yourself feel.

Come find out for yourself what the fuss about embodiment is all about and join us below for the LIFE-CHANGING one week experience.