More about WILD ROSE by Gravity Rose:

Self-love, sensual expression and sisterhood are the building blocks to living a life in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

A life where you are free to express yourself wholly and experience pleasure, show up unapologetically as your empowered, embodied self online and irl and fulfill your mission to heal and uplift humanity with your unique medicine.

Join my inner circle, the Wild Rose mailing list to receive free empowerment guides, special offers and pre-party pricing on all my coaching and workshops.

When you shine your light, you give permission to others to do the same. AND THE WORLD NEEDS ALL THE LIGHT IT CAN GET RIGHT NOW. Thank you for being here and being committed to owning your feminine power and being uniquely you.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon, sister.


Sabrina Gravity Rose


Have any questions or comments? Reach out to at or directly on IG, I looovvee when you slide into my DMs.