Photo by Anabel De La Foret


Soul led business babes, embodiment coaches, healers, wild women, we are the new earth priestesses, business artists and IG muses.

We re-define success and re-imagine business -because we know an embodied & empowered woman looks like us.

We live in a world where the cyclical is honoured, where women live as what and who we are, free and fully expressed in our feminine, making our own money and sharing our art and sacred service on OUR terms, slowly and softly, without manipulation.

We translate our soul essence into our ART ie our brand and magnetize soul aligned fuck yes clients with ease, flow and integrity. 

But really? We radically transform how we feel about showing up online to share who we are and what we bring.

We are FULL of ourselves, in the good way, in the way where our overflow of confidence and self-trust becomes the guide and the medicine. We birth the full spectrum wild sensually embodied and fully expressed WOMAN that the world is just aching to see and feel. We are HER. And we aren’t afraid to let the patriarchy see.

We embody wildness, authenticity, integrity, feminine strength and softness, self-acceptance, and unapologetic sensuality.

We prioritize a slow and steady process that honours our feminine nature and divine will so we can create organic long-lasting deep as fuck impact and shifts in ourselves, our clients, our lovers, our children and this planet.

We embrace freedom, beauty, chaos, messiness, expression, sensual empowerment and authenticity. 

We're committed to showing up REAL, for the women, for our mission, first and always.

Showing up online in our authentic feminine power and sensual artistry turns us on. 

We get a thrill out of leaning into our edges of expression, safely of course, while calibrating our nervous system.

Turning our dark into our art is our superpower. We don't run from our shadows or the taboo, we dance with our darkness and alchemize it into gold. We know in this deep rich soil is born all creation. All art. All meaning.

We LOVE sensually slithering on the ground or around poles or in the mirror and we LOVE seducing ourselves first before anyone else.

We take responsibility for honouring our feminine bodies. We play by our own rules. We work according to nature's rhythms.

In a world where women are still taught to hustle and grind and aim for 50k months and designer handbags, at the expense of their truth, while burning out and denying their feminine nature and body’s cry for help, we are organically and devotionally showing up for our soul mission, for our relationships, moment to moment with pleasure, grace and humility -and the guidance of the Goddess.

We are wild feminine freedom and poetry in motion. 

We gently move beyond our fear of being seen, without bypassing our trauma, and embody our highest most authentic and whole self in our brand so that our soulmate clients can see us and feel us and pay us with pleasure for the art and service we birth into this world. For the unparalleled guidance and safety and wisdom we offer. 

We are the women who run wild and free, the ones bringing art into business, the ones who transform with their essence and beingness and sensual artistry, the ones who refuse to contort or conform, the sacred rebels on a soul mission to anchor the feminine on this planet and become the IG muses, feminine leaders and new earth priestesses the Goddess, Spirit, God, has been calling us to be.

Welcome to the revolution.

Now is our time sister.


Sabrina Gravity Rose
Feminine energy guide, branding priestess, pole dancer, poetess

Follow along on @gravityrose_ @embodiedxpression

And be sure to sign up to the WILD ROSE mailing list here for musings, rituals and special pricing for all programs and workshops.