I lost my mother to the patriarchy...

What happens when a woman overrides her feminine needs

My mom was a BRILLIANT woman, a boss babe before boss babes were a thing: think bouncy blonde hair and 90s power suits, living the feminist dream.

She came from a poor French Canadian family of 6 kids, born in a small paper milling town in Quebec, her dad was an alcoholic, her mom stayed at home. She left to Montreal at 20 years old on her own to make it in the big city, learning English along the way.

All she ever dreamed of was a career and a family.

And she got just that. She worked hard and graduated in accounting at the top of her grade in University and went on to build a wildly successful career. She met my dad at her first job, fell in love, had 3 kids.

She was a career woman AND a mom, the definition of HAVING IT ALL in this new era of possibility.

She managed over 200 employees under her leadership at the global insurance company she was Vice president of.

What you didn’t see behind the scenes of her picture perfect life was the late nights at the office til 9pm every day, working on weekends too. I can still see her reading through a pile of documents on her lap as we were driving up to our cottage on Friday nights.

She barely took breaks, was under extreme stress, working 80 hour weeks while cooking for us all, being a wife and mother. I still don’t understand how she managed to do it.

She NEVER complained or asked for help. She said she was satisfied and complete. She didn’t treat herself to spa days or go on shopping sprees -she was still scouring the sale rack even though she was making multiple 6 figures.

I have a vision of her heading off to work in her hot pink or flowery pastel business suits even though my dad just wished she would dress classic, in demure greys and blacks. She was a ray of sunshine, joyful, positive, always smiling and always wanting to help people.

And, my mom was a workaholic. She sacrificed HER BODY and her true feelings for her work, relationship and family.

Don’t get me wrong, she LOVED her work, she loved to take care of everyone around her, it all gave her a thrilling sense of purpose, I could see that.

But where did all that GIVING without receiving eventually lead her?

A few years ago, she was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. She is no longer that woman I described, but a childlike ghost of the powerful woman she once was.

She seems relatively happy, but it’s been fucking heartbreaking to witness the slow deterioration. Every day I regret not spending more time getting to know her inner world, getting to know her story or understand what motivated her. I’m sad that when I finally healed my inner demons and felt able to connect with her -it was too late. I’m devastated i don’t get to talk to her about my travels, my first real healthy relationship or get to ask her for advice or share my own with her.

Because of this I know deep in my bones that part of my mission is to unravel the perfectionism, people pleasing and patriarchal obsession with success I’ve and we’ve all inherited from our lineage and previous generations.

My mom’s condition? Of course is caused from stress, by the fact that she overrode her emotions to keep everyone else happy, that she didn’t take time to feel or receive, to give to herself, to express her desires or boundaries, to soften and ask for help.

She acted tough and happy all the time, like she could handle it all. She pushed beyond the signs of her body to slow down. She took pride in it even, being able to keep up. She sacrificed her true, whole feminine to be successful in a man’s world.

Her feminine was shut down. Except when it came to her outfits of course 🙂

Having seen this as the model, I unconsciously emulated her. I overworked in my career as a luxury fashion buyer and lingerie biz owner…

My hormones were out of whack and I was taking drugs and abusing alcohol behind the scenes, hiding how I really felt, playing the tough guy, performing perfect, not letting anyone in. All while wearing cute outfits!!

But I eventually reached a rock bottom/awakening and was guided to slow down and devote to a new, holistic, feminine way, where my body was at the forefront.

The feminine saved me. And could have changed things for my mom.

And this is why I care so much about bringing you this feminine wisdom…… because it FUCKING MATTERS, and the quality of your life depends on it.

The 7 feminine superpowers I’ll be sharing with you MATTER. They are our life force as women. They keep us feeling nourished, healthy, radiant and happy. They inform us when enough is enough. They help us receive so we can give from overflow.

So if you, like me, are choosing to be a model for your daughter or future generations of what a feminine, self-honouring woman looks like, this is where the work begins.

THIS is the wisdom our mother’s didn’t have.

I am here to transmit to you what being in your feminine REALLY means, not that performative instagram fluff, the real deal, so you can allow it to shift the way you show up for yourself and the people who matter most in your life.

So you can leave a legacy of LOVE and WHOLENESS  -not hustling and self-sacrifice.

We are creating the new paradigm of powerful feminine leaders, that are NOURISHED and FULFILLED, as soft as we are strong, as sexy as we are brilliant, as healthy as we are successful, on OUR terms.

And I dedicate this work to my mother and all mothers who had no choice but to sacrifice their feminine for us.

To learn more about my 1:1 program DIVINE FEMININE WOMAN: unlocking the 7 feminine superpowers so you can learn to ask for and receive exactly what you need + feel radiant & resourced from the inside out, reach out by email here with FEMININE SUPERPOWERS in the subject line.

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