MODULE 4: Cycles and Sensuality
The energetics of owning your sensuality
From darkness to light… and back again. The feminine is cyclical by nature. Embracing this, is embracing that you are a force of nature and that your sexuality is sacred and oh so natural.
You are nature, contrary to what you may have been taught by our patriarchal society.
And understanding that is key to bringing the fullness of your expression forward.
You are not above her, nor are you beneath.
You are not here to dominate and destroy nor are you a powerless victim of her fury and her beauty.
You ARE her.
Like her you are cyclical, you go through inner seasons,
each month you experience cycles of death and rebirth via your body, your own moon cycle.
Like her you are soft and nourishing at times and destructive and chaotic at others.
Like her you are the most powerful and mysterious force on earth, from which all life is born and sustained.
And like her you are perfect, in every phase.
When you align to that truth, when you embrace and embody it fully… you become a FORCE of nature.
Learning how to feel allows us to transmute our darkness AND access higher states of pleasure.
Because we aren’t bypassing.
But first, let’s journey through the layers of our cycles.
When you embrace rather than reject your four inner seasons, your inner divine feminine archetypes, you develop more confidence showing up as ALL of you.
Understanding the sacred medicine that each of them holds.
Our culture teaches us to pretend to be linear but the feminine, like nature, is wild chaotic perfection, she goes through cycles of death and rebirth just like you, each month.
Do you see?
Do you see yourself as nature?
Can you approach yourself in this way?
Nature does not judge herself as good or bad.
A storm just is. The sunshine just is. Whether it burns our skin or makes the plants grow…
Whether we get angry at her for ruining our plans…
There is no good or bad in nature.
Can you let yourself just BE, can you trust the wisdom of your body, the divine that animates her, just like all the plants and trees and animals that just BE?
Let her guide you AND drop any judgment.
You are perfect and you KNOW how to be.
You know how to feel.
You know how to express.
You know how to receive and create pleasure.
You know to be sensual.
You know how to be in your feminine.
It is your nature.
And you are here to remember.
Your sexuality is sacred and it is innocent.
It is the most natural force on this planet.
It is at the core of all creation. It is the source of your magnetism.
Remember that when the shame comes up.
Sexual shame was created to disconnect us from our innate power to create and manifest.
A woman connected to her body, to her sexual energy is unstoppable.
She knows her worth.
She doesn’t need anyone.
She goes after what she WANTS.
She creates heaven on earth for herself, her family and her community.
She is in complete love with herself and understands her divinity.
Her magic.
Because what is more magical and mysterious than her womb?
The dark mystery where souls enter?
The home of her creative and sexual energy.
The home of her magnetism.
To access it we drop into the hips.
We open ourselves up.
We explore the S like shapes that remind us of our cyclical nature.
We feel earthly pleasures through this sacred divine body that is literally built for pleasure.
Unleash your sacred seductress. Who is she?
Let her reveal herself to you through dance. Through her gaze.
Through her heart.
And witness her as your inner King would.
Exercises to deepen the embodiment of this session’s teachings and help you put into practice and play all that has been activated in your system
The Isis - Goddess of magic card flew out of my Divine feminine deck when i was creating this session… her message:
“My pleasure is a prayer that brings me back to life”
Bonus Sensual Selfie Tips:
The feminine is all about play and celebration. Celebrating the small steps and the big wins. And of course, the mistakes too. Because mistakes mean you’re leaning in. Mistakes are opportunities for growth and we love your mess too.
Share any wins big or small, your roadblocks, your creative expression in the telegram group here:
Magnetic Muse Telegram Group
Excited to see you and feel you there!!
Bonus affirmations to repeat throughout your day any chance you get. I suggest working with one at a time, the one that jumps out to you and feels like a yes, until it’s ingrained in your subconscious.