Meet Your Inner Creatress & Be Infused With Nature Codes

A visualization I recorded in the jungles of Costa Rica to guide you to connect to your inner muse, the version of you that is tapped into the divine and creates effortlessly, with confidence. The you that knows her worth, that knows exactly what next step to take, that trusts herself throughout the process, the you that is sensual and liberated and free to express and lead with balanced feminine power. The you you were BORN to be.

Let yourself see whatever is coming through and really let yourself FEEL what it’s like to be her. Take this energy and certainty that you are her with you into your day and follow up with the journal prompts below.


1. What did she feel and look like? How did she move and speak? What were the scents and textures of her space and clothing? What was her colour? Were there any animals or plants present? Any accessories?
(I’ve seen myself as a beautiful wild woman priestess in a temples but also as an old school cowgirl with a rifle in her garter belt… it’s not always what you expect!! Let the images flow and receive the messages however they appear)

2. Did she have any messages for you? Whether in words, symbols, feelings?

3. Is there anything you feel called to take action on now that you’ve seen and experienced this version of you? How can you show up as her today? In how you dress, how you walk, how you speak and share, the decisions you make?


One of the most essential pieces in creating the life you desire is becoming the version of you that already has it. Visualizing HER every day and taking small inspired action as her is how you do it.