Welcome, Creatrix!

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So honoured you chose to step into this new reality where you are the Goddess, the muse, the artist, the poet of your Instagram, Your feminine biz and Your entire life!

To lay the foundations for your transformation and embodiment of your inner unstoppable Creatrix, get started with this journal practice.

I also highly suggested working with one affirmation a week ON REPEAT, in your journal, in your shower, on the way to yoga class, while driving… everywhere and anywhere, repeat it, sing it, think it, feel it. They really fucking work!!

Alright beauty, I cannot wait to get started with you on this magical journey!! Until then come talk to me on IG and let me know your deep desire for this container.

Love you so much already queen of creation!!



Ps. To celebrate, feel free to post this image to your story!

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