SENSUAL HEALING: How cultivating beauty can raise your vibration

With Taurus season in full bloom, we are being called to slowly and sensually cultivate our soil and lay the foundations for new ways of being, the perfect time to explore the power of beauty rituals.

Although the transformational power of beauty is often cast aside or simply misinterpreted, the expression, creation and appreciation of beauty can truly shift your energy, inspire you and raise your vibration. Whether through cultivating your own beauty by adorning the sacred vessel you were born in, curating your environment, admiring or creating art or appreciating nature, beauty serves a deeply personal purpose beyond being used as a tool for external validation.

In this video, Sabrina invites you to reflect on the meaning of beauty in your life, any resistance or shame you may have around the expression and appreciation of beauty and how you can elevate your everyday with simple acts of beauty. After watching, answer the questions below to dive deeper into the topic and observe your feelings and beliefs when it comes to Venus (Taurus’ ruling planet) themes of aesthetics, sensuality and creativity.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. What does beauty mean to me? Do I allow society’s standards of beauty to get in the way of what truly lights up my soul? 

  2. How can I express beauty through my body? Myself as canvas? My body as the vehicle through which I create art?

  3. How can I cultivate more beauty in my environment? 

  4. Can I show gratitude for the beauty that already exists all around me at every moment?

  5. What self-care ritual can I add to my life to make myself feel the energy of beauty? (Solo date night where I dress up in my favourite fancy dress? Sensual dancing in the mirror? Rose petals on my bed while listening to music? Do my hair and makeup to go buy groceries? A night of face masks and a pedicure?) 


  1. We deserve to express and honour all sides of ourselves. When we are wholly expressed we are more powerful and magnetic. Through our bodies we connect to the divine, rather than negating and denying the physical as lesser than the spiritual we can celebrate the totality of being human. 

  2. Societally imposed standards of beauty are not our own. Beauty exists everywhere, it exists in authentic expression, in nature. It elevates our vibration and brings joy, grounding and inspiration.

  3. Cultivating beauty on the inside and out is honouring the divinity that we are, it is a sacred act of giving and receiving, being the artist and the muse, the painter and the canvas, balancing masculine and feminine principles of action and receptivity.

Hope this serves as inspiration and material for self-reflection! Let us know some of your takeaways in the comments below <3