CONSCIOUS BIZ: Why Business Anchored in the Feminine Is Finally Having Its Moment

When I started my entrepreneurial journey back in 2014, I thought I could just follow the linear model I learnt in business school to be successful. 

But guess what? Technical skills, business theory and know-how will only get you so far. Yes a strategy is necessary but you absolutely need to anchor yourself in the feminine if you want to attract the kind of success and Instagram audience you know your message and brand deserves.

What does anchoring in your feminine mean? It means leading from a place of flow, intuition and deep trust in yourself and your mission.

It’s making your vibration, your energetic state, your well-being the priority and the foundation to everything you do. So that you have clarity and direction and your work in turn feels easy rather than forced. 

People are attracted to your energetic frequency. To your brand’s vibe. To the way you show up. 

Definitely not something you learn in business school. But once I started understanding that my passion and joy was the fire that fueled my growth... everything changed for me and I started seeing the numbers go up. 

So next time you’re feeling stuck on what you’re ‘doing wrong’, ask yourself if it’s in your being. 

Shift your energy, do something that lights you up, move your body and create from a place of being lit up. 

This is the type of leadership the new paradigm is calling for.

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