RITUAL: Lion's Gate Sisterhood Ceremony

Gather your sisters around fresh bountiful food, wear jewelry, gold and sparkles and set intentions to harness this very potent portal energy to activate your divine royal codes, gain clarity on your soul’s mission and manifest your desires into reality. To learn more about the Lion’s Gate Portal and how it will affect us, click here.

Image by Karim Tabar for Harper’s Bazaar

Image by Karim Tabar for Harper’s Bazaar

1- Prepare a platter of high vibe foods from your local market to place at the centre of your altar/circle and anything else associated to the Lion’s Gate Portal and ancient Egypt. I’ll be placing a gold mirror, figs, nuts, gold jewelry, money. Give thanks to mother earth and all the beings who participated in providing you with these gifts from the earth. Give thanks to all the beings in this galaxy and others who are present with you here today. Give thanks to yourself for showing up in ritual, in love and in harmony with nature for yourself and all humanity.

2- Find a place in nature to gather in ceremony. Cleanse each other with sage smoke and release any stuck negative emotions from your aura. One by one share your intention for what upleveling for the new age will look like for you. 


What does showing up as your most authentic, expressed, powerful self look like for you? 

What old way of being that does not align with your vision are you ready to drop?

How can you own your divine feminine power?

After each person speaks, say together ‘and so it is’. When everyone is done their turn speaking, sit in meditation for 8 minutes and visualize your intention, feel into it, and let it go. Pick an oracle card to support you. Share or not.

To close, go around the circle and claim what you are the goddess of. Goddess of compassion, of love, of the forest, of healing, of the stars, it can be anything you want, related to your intention or not.

End the ceremony by saying in unison ‘as above so below as within so without as the universe so the soul’.

Blessed Be.

3 - Nourish your body and soul with the delicious feast you prepared. Dance in celebration. Honour and celebrate each other. Let your sensual goddess come through. Connect to the earth, to the music, to the bounty, to the flow of divine love within you. 

And that’s it! Your royal codes are being activated and you are in the process of co-creating with the universe by claiming your desires with your voice, your heart intentions and your sisterhood. In the following days pay close attention to any messages and synchronicities from the universe. You will be receiving guidance and tools which often come in the form of challenges so that you can develop new superpowers to help you on your mission. It’s all perfect, it’s all meant for you. Be sure to drink tons of water and breathe into your belly when you have physical symptoms from your awakening process (it’s totally normal!)

Cher as Goddess Isis

Cher as Goddess Isis

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