MINDSET: 10 Daily Affirmations that will change your Life

A positive affirmation is like a mental pushup. Do a bunch of them and your mind gets positively strong. The way you experience the world around you is a reflection of your inner belief system. And have you noticed how limiting beliefs block your growth and progress? When you change the way you talk to yourself, you feel happier, stronger, healthier and in your power. Once you are able to shift your mindset and create a safe internal space filled with love and compassion, you’ll notice your external reality will follow. You’ll start attracting healthier relationships, situations and opportunities by cultivating an environment conducive to change and growth.


  1. I love myself.

  2. I am enough.

  3. I am grateful for the good energy flowing through me.

  4. I am whole already.

  5. I am worthy of love.

  6. I’m deserving of abundance.

  7. I create the life I want.

  8. I have the power to heal myself.

  9. I choose to be happy.

  10. I allow the energy of love and forgiveness to surround me.

Notice how you feel after saying these out loud. Do you feel a shift in your being?

Write down in your journal anything that may come up for you after saying these affirmations. Unearth any blocks or resistance. Send love and acceptance to those parts of yourself. Repeat the affirmations as many times as you feel called to.

For deeper integration, try the Empowered Fitness program where we exercise and build our strength while listening and repeating affirmations out loud (movement helps us integrate information and transform our mindset and bodies a lot faster).

By Sandrine Cassis