Welcome! I am so honoured to have you here in the sisterhood and to be on this empowerment journey together. Self-love and self-devotion is the foundation to everything so this is the perfect place to get started or to deepen your relationship to yourself.
Remember, to be gentle and open, self-love is a practice!
Each section comes with a video, a written explanation and self-inquiry exercises to integrate and set your intentions and transformation into motion. Each session builds on the last but feel free to return to them as you need. You know what your soul is craving, follow your intuition.
What is self-love? Embracing the totality of your being, the darkness and the light. This is the single most important thing to be conscious of when embarking on your self-love journey, we are everything and we don’t need to be perfect.
SELF-INQUIRY: First comes awareness then comes compassion
Notice how you speak to yourself. Would you speak that way to your best friend? To your niece or nephew? Take a couple of days to really observe the language in your head. No judgment, just observation.
Can you catch yourself when you speak in harsh words and shift that voice to one of compassion? What would you say to your best friend if they were going through a similar thought process? Journal it out and send love and acceptance to the parts of yourself you are judging.
What does connecting to your inner goddess mean?
Connecting to your truth, your heart, your intuition, your inner wisdom. Owning that we are the ultimate creatrixes.
SELF-INQUIRY: Create Yourself
What does my inner goddess look and feel like?
If you’re visual, create a moodboard with images and symbols that represent the energy you want to embody and unleash. Find pictures of your favourite deities, animals, elements, spaces, clothing, jewelry, nature… anything that inspires you. The goal here is to focus your attention on what you want to cultivate more of in your life and imprint that vision into your subconscious so you can get into the vibration of love and inspiration every time you look at it. This will be a reminder of the powerful goddess energy you are harnessing. You can also simply journal about all this if vision boards aren’t your thing. Another alternative is to record a voice note where you describe the goddess vision of yourself and then refer back to it whenever you need a reminder. Vision holding is a powerful way to keep your vibe high!
SESSION 03: Mantras and Mirror work
Ah mirror work, awkward at first and powerful AF! Also called soul talk because your eyes are the window to your soul.
Mantras and affirmations become extra powerful when you involve more senses than one. The key is to really feel in to what you are saying and embody that frequency. Want to bask in feelings of self-love, increase your confidence and ability to magnetize your desires to you? THIS IS THE KEY. Seriously. Get in front of the mirror and have a chat with the most important person in your life ❤️
Nurturing the relationship to self, like any relationship, takes commitment, devotion, presence and communication. You wouldn’t expect a romantic relationship to flourish if you didn’t connect deeply to each other at least once a week right? Same goes for the relationship with yourself.
Sit in front of the mirror and follow along this potent meditation for a deep transformative experience (I highly suggest this 1-3 times a week):
In addition to a shorter daily practice, where you look into your eyes and say something like:
“I accept you completely. I forgive you totally. I love all parts of you, the darkness and the light. You are so deserving of all the love and success and abundance you desire. I am so proud of you. You got this. I love you so much.”
SELF-INQUIRY: Be The Best Friend, Parent and Lover You Always Wanted
What do I wish someone else would tell me in this moment?
Take this as an opportunity to tell yourself anything you need to hear, anything you wish others would say to you. When you meet your own gaze, you can meet anyone. When you love yourself completely, you invite more love into your life.
This will make you feel so loved, seen and supported by yourself. The more you do it, the more you will exist in this vibration of gentle, loving, acceptance. Mirror work really is one of the quickest ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift old belief patterns getting in the way of your manifestations and attracting the love and life you want.
Include mirror work/soul talk into your daily ritual and watch your relationship to yourself and others transform in front of your eyes ✨
SESSION 04: Channelling lilith
Invoking the energy of the goddesses is a self-love practice that helps you connect to different facets of divine feminine power. Everything is energy including the goddesses, and you can harness their energy by giving it attention and cultivating a relationship.
Lilith represents fierce feminine self-acceptance and independence. She owns who she is, her desires, sexual and otherwise, and doesn’t allow anyone to dictate how she will be expressed. She invites us to embrace the totality of our being and to not accept a submissive role in our lives. We are the leaders, the creatrixes and our sexual energy and our shadow side is a huge part of that. Through shining light on our darkness we transmute it and turn it into our superpowers. Our sexual energy is our creative energy.
SELF-INQUIRY: Give Yourself Permission To Be Fully Expressed
What aspect of Lilith inspires me? How can I call in her energy into my life?
What do I love about myself?
What is a part of myself I’ve been hiding from fear of judgment?
What is one flaw/obstacle/limiting belief I can accept, forgive and send love to?
Do I allow myself to express my sexuality in my own way, for my own pleasure first? Why or why not?
How can I let my true self be seen more often?
SESSION 05: Daily devotion ritual
Daily devotion creates transformation. If you show up for yourself in small ways consistently, the possibilities are limitless.
Honour your divine feminine fire and cultivate an intimate relationship to yourself and you will inevitably transform your life. It’s a process that requires baby steps beyond your comfort zone, full acceptance of your unique journey and a commitment to love. This simple ritual takes you from feeling blah to feeling connected to your inner divinity and ready to show up as your most authentic, grounded, powerful self. Do this 5-10 minute ritual every day to see massive shifts. Make it longer on days when you need some extra loving. Trust whatever you feel you need. Your body knows.
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: The mind-body-soul connection
Start with one or both of the clearing practices to get in the right mindset and remove any negative energy stuck to your aura you may be carrying from the day. Then follow the steps outlined in the video and below. Use this as an outline but feel free to add your own flavour and make it work for you. I like to do this ritual before bed combined with mirror work or right when I wake up if I’m just doing simple affirmations. For more stressfult or emotional periods (ie quarantine), I’ll do both morning and night. Your vibration is your number one priority, if you’re not in the right mindset and frequency there really is no point in doing anything else. You come first, there’s always time, even if it’s just 2 minutes.
Congratulations, you’ve completed your self-love basics workshop!! Come back to these simple practices often. The more consistently you practice them the more transformation you will create. We often think change comes from big actions but the reality is small consistent shifts are infinitely more powerful and where the real magnetism comes through.
Thank you for taking to the time and putting in the energy to honour and nurture yourself, when you raise your vibration you raise the vibration of the entire planet. So grateful to have you on this journey.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments or feedback (
Wishing you all the self-love, clarity and confidence,
Looking for some extra support and guidance when it comes to dance and movement? Oracle Sis Vayu hosts a SENSUAL FLOW class that guides you on a sensual journey to get you out of your head and into your body. A combination of yoga, floor work and guided free dance, this workshop can help you unlock your sacral chakra, release any shame or judgment around moving your body and create feelings of self-acceptance and pure pleasure. It’s a beautiful complement to this ritual if dance is something you feel resistance with!! Or if you just want some inspiration for sensual exploration.