MODULE 7: Celebrate & Connect


The energetics of celebration

I AM CELEBRATING YOU ALL!!! You made it you are here you have met and created your Magnetic Muse.

Even if you don’t loveee the pictures just yet, CELEBRATE YOURSELF FOR SHOWING UP!! THIS IS THE WORK. Your expression is medicine for us all.

You’re already perfect, you’re already a queen. It’s you accepting that and witnessing that.

Keep PRACTICING AND CELEBRATING that’s how you grow and build confidence.

Doing the thing that scares you, holding yourself through it and trying again WITH JOY WITH PLEASURE WITH PLAYFUL CURIOSITY.

With the well of strength and courage you’ve cultivated, that knowingness that YOU have got yourself, no matter what the outcome is.

That the journey is the point.

And that your desire is on its way to fruition and you GET to celebrate the whole way there.



You journeyed through the layers of your feminine, you experienced yourself in ways you hadn’t given yourself full permission to before…

You are a pioneer in anchoring this new authentic holistic multifaceted feminine way of being on this planet and it’s not an easy mission!!! Letting yourself be seen gets to be delicious and it gets to be the path of your growth and expansion.

I encourage you to maintain all these shifts by continuing to send yourself love notes, to wink at yourself in every mirror you go bye and say hi to your sexy magnetic muse, to dance your emotions through your body, to hold your inner child AND TO UNLEASH THE BEAUTY AND MAGIC AND CREATIVITY AND PURE FEMININE ENERGY THAT YOU ARE AND THAT IS INSIDE YOU!!

Even when it’s scary, you have the tools and you can hold it. Celebrate the failures as much as the wins. Celebrate ALL of you.



Ok and final mission… POST THE DAMN SELFIE YOU‘VE ALWAYS WANTED TO POST!!! In honour of all the energy you’ve invested the last 7 weeks.

Feel free to tell the story of how this photo came to be! Take action on your desire to BE SEEN, own it, celebrate it, revel in it. It will get easier! And then youll move on to other edfges.

I celebrate and honour you and thank you for your trust, your expression and your open-heartedness on this journey.

You are magic and your expresssion and beauty is medicine for us all.




Exercises to deepen the embodiment of this session’s teachings and help you put into practice and play all that has been activated in your system


“Art should not be judged on its popularity but on its power to transform us”



The feminine is all about play and celebration. Celebrating the small steps and the big wins. And of course, the mistakes too. Because mistakes mean you’re leaning in. Mistakes are opportunities for growth and we love your mess too.

Share any wins big or small, your roadblocks, your creative expression in the telegram group here:
Magnetic Muse Telegram Group

Excited to see you and feel you there!!



A playlist to help you feel ALL your feels and turn them into your expression


Bonus affirmations to repeat throughout your day any chance you get. I suggest working with one at a time, the one that jumps out to you and feels like a yes, until it’s ingrained in your subconscious.

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