Selfies start with self-love. In this chapter you’ll learn some of my favourite self-love and embodiment practices to help you get comfortable with yourself in front of the mirror.
Get intimate with your heart and soul before you get intimate with your bod! Here are some questions to help you show love and appreciation for yourself. When you create energy of love and gratitude, you are raising your vibration and you become magnetic. Cultivate self-love so you emanate confidence and beauty from the inside out. Set an intention, write yourself a love note and/ord answer the following questions in your journal:
What are three things you love about your heart and soul? What makes you you?
What are three things you love about your physical self? What do these things do for you?
What are you most proud of yourself for? What have you overcome or accomplished that you never thought you could do?
Power Action: Write an ACTUAL love letter to you by you!!! Get romantic. Wax poetic. Picture everything you wish your beloved would say to you. Feel into it. THIS IS POWERFUL AF. Get used to the love you deserve. The way you love yourself is the standard you set for how others will love you.
Develop an intimate relationship with yourself. Look into your own eyes, when you meet yourself you can meet anyone.
The best way to build an intimate relationship with yourself is to cultivate a positive mindset of love and compassion. Be your own cheerleader! Be your own best friend! Look yourself in the eyes and say “I see you, I love you, I accept you” or “You’re a goddess and you deserve so much pleasure and passion”.
Any affirmations that make you feel good, anything you wish other people would say to you, say it to yourself first! It’s magic but also science. By engaging with yourself in this way you are creating new neural pathways and rewiring your brain. The more often you do it, the quicker you’ll shift any negative subconscious beliefs you may have about yourself.
Self-love is the foundation. It’s not a destination, it’s a practice, so don’t worry if you don’t feel like you are always in a self-love mood! These practices help you live in that space more often and pick yourself back up more quickly when you fall. Selfies and lingerie are vulnerable so don’t be hard on yourself! It’s a process and you’re doing amazing just by being here and taking this workshop.