The Multifaceted Woman: Like A Rose

You don’t have to deny any parts of yourself to be loved. You don’t have to be perfect to deserve love. You are love. You are whole and compete already. You deserve to be fully expressed. You deserve to take up space and be seen. You deserve to shine your light.   

Be it all. Embrace all sides of yourself. I often feel like I need to limit myself, and focus in on just one aspect on social media because I’ll alienate with my seemingly paradoxical ways of being. But that’s exactly my message. A woman is multifaceted, all humans contain both the masculine and feminine, the light and the dark, the raw and the regal. I can be super into pole dancing and expressing my sensuality and also be a super smart business woman. I can be into shadow work and exploring the darkest depths of my soul and I can also want to dress up in sparkly outfits and take selfies. I can make it my mission to smash the patriarchy but also be really into baking and being treated to romantic dates. I can be really into digital content creation and also be obsessed with spending time in nature.  

You are everything, you don’t have to choose. You don’t have to fit in a box. You don’t have to limit yourself. Yur soul family will get you. The rest is not your responsibility.  

Just be you. Be fiercely or gently, unapologetically you. Embrace all your beautiful facets, the thorn and the flower.

The world needs you to shine your authentic essence and raise the vibration of the planet in doing so.   

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