The Gifts That Lie In The Shadows

Akasha Queen of the Damned

Akasha Queen of the Damned

Don’t try to tame her. Don’t try to box her in. Don’t try to quiet her storm. Her wild spirit leads her home where she explores all the layers and dimensions of existence, where she travels to cosmic depths unknown and touches universal truths and expands on all that is unseen but felt, all that scares and scars but needs to be touched. When she returns and grounds her feet in the damp soil, quivering but courageous, her heart cracks open allowing all her jewels and treasures picked up along her quest to pour out. Liquid gold for all to be nourished from. From the journeys into the shadows to the light and back again, our inner wild woman evolves for her own soul’s sake while her honey feeds so many along the way, giving them the strength to rise and claim their own hero’s journey, power and progress. 

Lift the veil. Don’t be afraid of unearthing what lies in the shadows, and loving all of yourself, the flaws, the things you’ve been taught to feel ashamed of, your femininity. Even if you’re exiled, criticized, silenced. It’s only temporary. The battle wounds and the battles are just as much a part of your story, if not more so than the successes. When faced with obstacles we really find out what we truly care about, what we’re made of and who our allies are. 

Together, we’re learning and fighting for our right to express ourselves wholly, to shed this idea of what’s acceptable for a woman, of what’s expected of us.  We’re learning to express our truth unapologetically and stand up for what we KNOW is right.

Let this challenge transform us and illuminate old parts of ourselves we are ready to leave behind and solidify where we’re headed.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes we will be reborn into the high priestess, warrior goddess community we are meant to be. We will continue to let our magic shine through and inspire others along the way.

It’s time for the feminine to rise up and speak up. We’re in this together. 
