The 3 Keys of Sensual Floorwork

There are no rules, really…

AND to elevate your dance and feel + look like a goddess, the 3 keys below are HIGHLY recommended!!

1. YOUR PLEASURE FIRST: focus on what feels good over what looks good

2. MOVE SLOW: the slower you move, the more you feel… and so the more pleasure you experience

3. POINT YOUR TOES: your legs create beautiful lines and are the contrast needed for your beautiful circular, sinewy movements to stand out visually. You’re also directing energy with your pointes which is an access point to your power.

Also, in your dance, notice anywhere you are holding tension when you’re moving, bring loving awareness to that body part and breathe into the contraction and let it go. It’s normal when learning a new movement to focus and tense up but we want to soften in those places and release the energy intentionally.

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