SENSUAL HEALING: Own Your Sexual Power

Owning your sexual power is the most beautiful gift you can give to yourself and to all life on the planet. ⁣
You were not created to "have success".⁣⁣
You were not born to do and fit a into a box of norms. ⁣⁣
You were born to BE. To feel alive. To breathe. To move. To voice your truth. To sing. To dance. To be in your pleasure and your activated s*xual life force. ⁣⁣
You were created as an already successful and powerful creatrix and manifestor. ⁣⁣
You knew all of this as a child... ⁣⁣
But then you forgot. ⁣⁣
Your innocence have been taken away from you as a little girl. ⁣⁣
You have been fed lies... ⁣⁣
🗣Be quiet. Be nice. Be cute and beautiful. If you want to be loved. Otherwise you don't deserve it. ⁣⁣
🗣Have good grades at school. Study a career. If you want to "have" good money and success. ⁣⁣
🗣Hide your body. A woman who has self respect do not show off her body. If she does so, it's only to get attention from the masculine gaze. Shame on her. ⁣⁣
🗣Men only want one thing. Keep your legs closed. If you love sex you're a slut. These women do not deserve love and respect. Shame on them.⁣⁣
🗣Congratulations you are now a woman! Now take these tampons and pads, make sure you throw it out in a way nobody sees your blood. It's disgusting and it stinks. ⁣⁣
🗣One day a special man will come into your life and you will both fall in love forever. He will complete you and you will be eternally happy. ⁣⁣
I could keep on going... ⁣⁣
💃When have you been told that you are a powerful creatrix? That your body is a holy vessel? That your sensuality and your sexuality are a pure expression of your divinity? ⁣⁣
🌹When have you been taught that you pu$sy, your womb and your breasts hold ancient wisdom, sacred codes and information and that they are directly connected to other realms and dimensions? ⁣

❣When have you been shown how to give your sacred womb blood, your life creating elixir, to the Earth as an offering and a way to honor the sacred feminine within and without? ⁣


By Vanessa D’Amours
Vanessa graciously offers you a womb blessing meditation to help you deepen your relationship to your feminine power: 

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