MINDSET: 3 steps to get over your fear of being seen on Instagram

Fear of being seen is an epidemic among women. We’ve been conditioned to keep ourselves small, to play nice, to not outshine others. The sisterhood wound runs deep and whether we hide for fear of being judged, fear of rejection, fear of being too much or not enough, hiding is no longer an option.

When you hide your gifts you’re depriving the world of your magic and medicine. Your authentic voice is needed, your soul family is looking for you.

Sharing your message, being seen, taking up space is an essential part of your service and what you’re here to do on this planet. Every time you share what’s in your heart, even if your voice is shaking, helps heal the collective feminine. You are giving voice to all the women that still don’t have one.

It’s also the key to manifesting more of what you desire. Our words are spells and by claiming what it is you want and allowing your true self to shine you attract your soul family and inevitable grow your heart led conscious community.


Having suffered from social anxiety my entire life and having helped many women get over this block, I’ve rounded up the top 3 ways to get over your fear of being seen to start showing up on IG authentically:    



1️⃣ Have a daily self-love practice:       

Take 5 minutes each morning to say ‘I love you I forgive you I accept you’ to yourself in the mirror. When you can meet yourself, you can meet anyone. Other people’s opinions of you matters less and less as your self-love grows and grows. LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MAGNIFICENT SELF. There is no one out there like you. You are a miracle of nature.       


2️⃣ Get comfortable with making mistakes:      

Mistakes are not failure, they are the path to success. You were never meant to be someone else’s definition of perfect. You are already perfect and you’re learning. Enjoy the process! Always look for the lessons! Take action, get feedback and tweak for next time. Get out of your head and into your body, your experience, your life! Information is just information without action. Aligned consistent action is what leads to transformation.  


3️⃣ Take baby steps outside your comfort zone:      

Start small. Practice video calls with your friends. Take selfies in the safety and comfort of your bedroom. Join online communities and women’s circles where you can practice seeing yourself on video and speaking your truth in a supportive environment. Do things that make you a little uncomfortable every day and celebrate the shit out of those small wins. Step by step you’ll get more comfortable and before you know it you’ll be posting videos of yourself sharing your mission on IG like a queen!!!         


Your magic and message deserves to be seen ✨ You are so worthy.

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