3 ways to say bye to shame and hello to pleasure based magnetism!


Joy is the emotion with the highest vibration (for us mere mortals/non-enlightened beings!) and shame is the emotion with the lowest, as you can see in the map of consciousness chart. This is why even if you’re doing your pleasure practices and taking time for what lights you up, your vibration and thus magnetism is being dimmed because… SHAME.

Shame has been conditioned into us since we’re little from our feminine bodies, our menstruation, our desires, our voices… shame is THE emotion you must reprogram if you want to be magnetic AF, shift the state of the planet and be the radiant heart-centered leader you are here to be.

Here are 3 powerful AF ways to break through shame and step into joy and pleasure so you can get your vibe high with none of that BS that isn’t yours in the first place:


1. Own your story.
What you don’t own ends up owning you. Forgive yourself. Send love to those parts of yourself you’ve deemed unloveable. Your journey is your gift, it is THE medicine for you and your people. Rewrite it from that perspective. Celebrate all of it!!

2. Move shame through your body.
Shame is an emotion like any other that gets stuck in your body and creates blockages. It wants to move and be released. Feel it, dance with it, transform it into pleasure. I call this alchemical process shadow dancing (more on this soon)

3. Surround yourself with beings that embrace their feminine unapologetically.
Pick a feminine expression icon and bring her/them/him to mind anytime you’re in doubt. Show your subconscious it’s safe to express by showing it proof. Follow her on ig, hire her as your coach, go to sisterhood circles and witness the divine feminine in all her multifaceted glory over and over again until it’s so deeply ingrained in your body it becomes an absolute certainty and way of life for you.

Clearing shame is the first most important and forgotten step to magnetize and manifest. You can do all the positivity work you want but if you’re not clearing shame… your content just won’t land because your pleasure frequency won’t be felt as much as it could.

This is why my 1:1 coaching style of Embodied Branding is not just business and not just embodiment: you can’t focus on one without the other. You can have all the best biz strategy but if you’re not alchemizing your shadows… you’ll feel stuck and residual shame is the reason why.

Ps. I’ve done a tone of business programs and I can safely say none of them marry feminine empowerment & energetics with authentic code marketing + digital strategy in the way that I do. I combined the gifts from my own journey of feminine reclamation with my experience and passion for branding to help you stand out in the online noise and clear your blocks around expression so you can create something uniquely you that magnetizes your soul aligned clients with ease and pleasure.

Curious about whether 1:1 is what you’ve been calling in? DM me in on IG @gravityrose_ and let’s chat!

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