Vanessa D'Amours: Sacred Sexual Mystic and Empowerment Guide

Vanessa D'Amours aka Vanessa Loves is an empowerment guide, sacred sexual mystic and liberation alchemist. She helps women to cultivate an intimate and spiritual relationship with their body, sexuality and femininity. She guides them to heal their emotional and sexual wounds, to release the shame and awaken unconditional self love within themselves. She strongly believes that every woman holds the power to transform her life, to be highly confident, powerful and orgasmic at every level of her existence. Everything starts with ourselves first. To embody your feminine essence is walking the path of a fulfilled, abundant and heart-led life.


What’s your sun, moon and rising sign?

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus, Rising in Capricorn. Earth and Water. 

What lights up your soul?

Deep soulful chats, dancing, a good belly laugh, cuddling with my kids, spending time in nature, travelling...

Favourite self-love ritual?

I have so many!! It always depends on how I feel and what my Soul needs in the moment. Tantric embodied dance, Breathwork, Womb meditation, Yoni egg practice, Breast massage….

What is your gift you offer others? (What you are here to share with your sisters, your mission)

I am a liberation alchemist and empowerment guide. I am here to guide you home to yourself, to the truth of who you are as a soul so you can live a soul-led life. You cannot truly be free if you haven’t healed your relationship with your body and sexuality to begin with. To feel free, you need to feel safe in your body temple. 

This is why my work is deeply focused on guiding women into healing body shame, sexual shame, emotional and sexual traumas. When we feel safe and liberated, we are in this state of wholeness, of inner bliss. We are not afraid to express ourselves in any way, our heart feels safe to open up and we voice our truth, desires and boundaries. Our cup is full, because the energy is flowing within and because we deeply nourish a relationship with ourselves. We become orgasmic and we manifest our deepest desires into reality.

I use modalities such as ancient tantric arts, embodiment practices, breathwork, womb shamanism, shadow work, subconscious reprogramming, hypnotherapy and more to achieve that higher state of love and consciousness. 

Biggest shadow aspect you had to overcome/are overcoming? 

Father wound and Sexual trauma.

I was raised by a single mother and I would only see my father a few times a year. Long story short, I believed I was unworthy of being loved by a man and that somehow they would always leave me. Surprise! Later I would only get involved with men who were reflecting me that same wounding. I have had my deal of toxic and abusive relationships.

Sexual trauma was also something huge to heal for me. I didn’t realize until my early 30’s that I had been sexually abused as a child and how it had impacted my relationship to my body and my sexuality. I was totally disconnected from my body even during sex, I couldn’t feel safe enough to trust and let go. The thing is I thought it was normal, I couldn’t figure it out being any other way at the time.

Can you share a story of when you first stepped into your feminine power? (might be tied in to your shadow aspect)

Two years ago, I chose the path of Celibacy (sexual abstinence) as a gift to myself after coming out of a very toxic and abusive relationship. All my sexual wounds and childhood issues were reflected to me through that relationship. It was very easy to blame my ex at first but I realized that I had manifested this relationship and I had to take responsibility for my shit. Celibacy has given me the space to re-create a loving relationship with myself, heal my sexual traumas and evolve as a soul like never before. Self-devotion is huge!

What’s one thing you want to learn this year?

I am currently being mentored to upgrade my prosperity and abundance codes. I come from 2 lineages where scarcity, poverty and uncertainty was huge. I have also experienced this relationship with money pretty much my whole life. This programming is not serving my higher purpose and I am transmuting that. I remember who I AM, ABUNDANCE! 

Early bird or night owl?

I used to be a night owl big time. I have also worked as a bartender for many years in the past.  However, I have now recreated myself as an early bird in order to do my morning routine practices and have quiet time for myself before my kids get out of bed. This is how I keep my cup full as a single mom of two.

What makes you feel empowered?

Breathing deeply and Gratitude. Everyday, I am grateful to be alive and breathe.

Something most people would be surprised to know about you?

I speak Spanish to my kids even though I'm French Canadian. 

Inspiring book or podcast recommendation?

Book: Wild feminine by Tami Lynn Kent 

If you were an oracle who could only deliver ONE message, what would it be? 

Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. It is natural, pure and innocent. Our bodies and sensuality are sacred. All 7.7 Billion people on Earth exist because of sex. Life is sexual energy. We are infinite consciousness embodied in a sexual body. Let’s liberate ourselves and come back to our Truth.

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