Gravity Rose

embody your feminine & OWN YOUR UNIQUE expression in your Brand, Relationship and beyond


By Sabrina Gravity Rose


Embody Your inner Queen with this free training



Wild sensitive soul, it’s time.

Time for you to embrace your feminine power, unapologetically shine your light and claim your throne as heart-centered leader of your brand, body and relationships.

I’m Sabrina (AKA Gravity Rose) and my magic includes:

  - unlocking your brand message and raison d’être,

  - unleashing your feminine expression and owning your full radiance,

  - upleveling your communication skills,

so that you can activate your inner fire and embody your feminine essence to lead with confidence.

The days of separating business and pleasure are long gone. I believe in blending intuitive feminine practices with structured masculine strategy to create an online brand that brings you the freedom of expression you so crave while elevating the planet and the people you’re meant to help by being you.

You deserve to shine and the world needs your message, I mean look around you... it’s time for you to stop hiding your gifts and start anchoring this new, feminine, way.

Join me in a 3 or 6 month 1:1 coaching container and learn how to elevate your brand into an expression of your most authentic self while experiencing an inner transformation that will leave you radiating with grounded confidence. 

Feeling the pull to experience my transmission as you lift off? Apply below for this supported journey of embodiment and creative business expansion.

I can’t wait to meet you soul sister!!


You Are Multifaceted Like A Rose

Both sharp and radiant, strong and fragile, do not believe you ever have to choose or deny any aspect of yourself. You are everything.

Give yourself permission to dive deep into the world of the seen and the unseen, the material and the mystical, the masculine and the feminine, the sensual and the soulful.

Here you will find tools and support to embrace all of you.

To inspire self-love and confidence on your journey to sensual freedom and business expansion.

To fully embody your gifts so you can share them with the world and become the feminine leader you were born to be.

Join the sisterhood and cultivate your innate feminine power. 

Explore my heart-opening free content


To be free you must be willing to love all of you
To be seen as all of you
To dive into the depths of your own shadows and shame
And dance with your darkness
Alchemize it into your pleasure and power and purpose

Make art out of the dark
Shine bright not despite of your darkness
But because of it and WITH it

I’m a guide for the misfits, the rebels, the priestesses, the womb healers and earth keepers

I’m a guide for the wild women on a soul mission
who are tired of playing small
are tired of cookie cutter
who refuse to hide their gifts
who won’t follow the stifling rules of the old paradigm

who know there is a better way
that honours their bodies, the earth and all beings
in service of the light and dark feminine both

you know you are meant to shine
you know you are meant to lead with your heart
with integrity with audacity with beauty
and with your truth.

I see you and I love you.

